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What is SPE?


It is well known that PSS is a place that is always visited by students and teachers at school. A new corner known as Emotional Sharing Corner (SPE) has been created at PSS. This SPE is a joint venture between PSS and the Guidance and Counseling Unit (UBK) which was created to allow students to express their emotions on the day. The students only need to fill in the information in the Emotion Management Form and then insert it into  the container that has been prepared. There are six containers that represent various emotions, namely:

1.         Dear.

2.         Surprised.

3.         Happy.

4.         Marad.

5.         Sad.

6.         Risau.


          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Every week, the counselor will take all the forms that have been filled in by the students and see how emotional the students are that need to be helped by UBK. This aims to resolve issues related to the emotions of students who have problems so that unwanted cases will not happen to students who have emotional problems. This initial step can help students who have emotional problems by holding counseling sessions by UBK at school. This SPE is very relevant because sometimes the students are very shy to meet the counselor and express their emotions and feelings. With the existence of this SPE, students can be encouraged to share their emotions with the counselors when they visit PSS.

The situation of students filling out the Emotional Management Form



Mr. Baharin bin Selamat
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